Gionee on Friday launched its S10 smartphone at an event in China. While the highlight feature of the new smartphone, the dual camera setups at front and back, was already leaked in weeks ahead of the launch, the smartphone has been launched in three variants – regular S10, S10B, and S10C. The Gionee S10 and  S10C will be made available for purchase in China from June 9 while the S10B will be made available from Friday itself.
First moving to the regular variant of the Gionee S10, as we mentioned before, the unique selling point of the phone is its camera department. The smartphone features a 16-megapixel sensor and an 8-megapixel sensor at the rear with 6P lens and f/1.8 aperture. At the front, it comes with a 20-megapixel sensor along with an 8-megapixel sensor.
The successor to last year’s Gionee S9, Gionee S10 runs Amigo 4.0 OS and sports a 5.5-inch full-HD (1080×1920 pixels) In-Cell display, and is powered by a MediaTek Helio P25 SoC coupled with 6GB of RAM. It comes with 64GB of inbuilt storage, and sports a 3450mAh battery, an improvement over last year’s Gionee S9. The Gionee S10 has been priced at CNY 2,599 (roughly Rs. 24,400). It is currently unclear if the storage is expandable and Gionee has not confirmed the Android version on the smartphone.
Moving to the Gionee S10B, the smartphone has been priced at CNY 2,199 (roughly Rs. 20,700) and also features a dual camera setup with a 13-megapixel and 5-megapixel sensors at back and a 16-megapixel sensor at front. The S10B also runs Amigo 4.0, features a 5.5-inch full-HD display, and is powered by a MediaTek Helio P10 processor coupled with 4GB of RAM. The Gionee S10B comes with 64GB of in-built storage. The smartphone houses a large 3700mAh battery.
Finally coming to the least expensive model of the three, Gionee S10C has been priced at CNY 1,599 (roughly Rs. 15,000). The smartphone comes with a single 16-megapixel sensor at the back and a 13-megapixel sensor at the front. Just like the other two phones, the Gionee S10C runs Amigo 4.0 OS but sports a 5.2-inch HD display and is powered by a Snapdragon 427 processor coupled with 4GB of RAM. The smartphone comes with 32GB of built-in storage and houses a 3100mAh battery.
The connectivity options offered by the Gionee S10 models were not shared by the company at the launch event.

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